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This page displays the information available for the various-Persephone Deluxe Ribbon Controller (Sphere item # 5966).
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 Make various
 Model Persephone Deluxe Ribbon Controller
 Description As new, scarcely used at all (used just once for a project) - a hand-made controller, made in France. Ribbon controller with midi/cv and nice internal synth. A whole lot easier than playing the Theremin, French Connection or Ondes Martenot, but producing equally interesting playing modes. This particular model seems to be the deluxe version, with 'crocodile-skin' covering to its suit-case style casing. Really rare, unusual, and out of the ordinary. The serial number implies it is the eight ever made. Here's the blurb from the Eowave website (where it is still available at 1090 euros plus VAT: about 1025 GBP):- 'At the first sight, the Persephone reminds of the first electronic fingerboard instruments developed in the 1920s. But beyond this vintage look, the Persephone allies sensors technology and digital controls to a pure analogue generation of sound. The Persephone musicality will be determined by the way it is played. The Persephone respects the traditional play of the first non-keyboard electronic instruments with the right hand controlling the pitch and the left hand controlling the velocity. The ribbon zone can allow all kinds of play. When scaled, the Persephone can be played like a regular keyboard. Though there are no fixed preset notes with the ribbon, keyboard players will easily find their way. Guitars and bass players will certainly play it like a chord instrument and get sounds that are closed to cello or violin, especially when using vibratos. Jazz players will enjoy slapping the Persephone’s ribbon to get wonderful sonorities. Movie music writers and fans of sci-fi effects will enjoy its bi-dimensional structure, which allows creating eerie sounds very easily. A new fingerboard synthesizer Just like any synthesizer, the Persephone offers a classical synthesis architecture with an oscillator section, a filter section, a modulation section and a LFO section. With its 100% analogue oscillator, the Persephone can generate notes with a range of 10 octaves. Its lower frequencies go from a deep and resonant cello tone to a nearly human voice. On the highest pitches, it can reach very high frequencies. The oscillator waveform can be set between triangle and sawtooth for a more or less brilliant sound. The filter is a 12dB low-pass filter. Its ribbon control surface is pressure and position sensitive. While it requires the most advanced sensor technology and allows all kind of glissando a Theremin or les Ondes Martenot would allow. A scaling potentiometer allows scaling the Persephone’s ribbon from 1, 2, 5 to 10 octaves. The expression key, controlled by an optic sensor, can transmit the slightest vibrations on the key with an accuracy the mechanical systems never had. All the controls are digital. The four play modes - A, B, C and D - offer different hierarchy of control between the pitch, the velocity, a filter modulation and a LFO. Connections are located on the rear side of the front panel and are protected from dust and other source of deterioration by the Persephone suitcase top when not used. The Persephone like a CV/MIDI controller The Persephone has a CV out and a MIDI in/out. With its CV out, it can control any other analogue synthesizers and modular systems. With its MIDI in/out, it can also be used as a MIDI controller, what turns it into a powerful new kind of instrument.'
 Age n/a
 Weight 9.4 kg
 Condition Near mint
 Location Uk (Item is at Vemia Uk)
 Vat Not from a VAT-registered business. But VAT / duty may be due if importing from outside your trade bloc.
 Quantity 1 item is available from the owner
 Options User manual : No
  Service manual : No
  First owner : Yes
  Original boxes : Yes
 Plug type Plug not required
 Voltage type Internal 220-240V power supply
 Status Item has been sold or not sold in a previous auction
 Sale type The item is on the auction rooms
 Ending on 09/11/2008
 Category MIDI Controller 
 Serial number 061008
 Sphere reference # 5966
 Statistics Created on : 06/04/2008 
Changed on : 09/11/2008 
  Published on : 09/11/2008
  Displayed : 1272 time(s) by members and guests  
Safety All electrical items sold in VEMIA are deemed to be trade sales. No warranty of electrical safety is given or implied. Many items are vintage and would not pass current electrical safety standards. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that items are safe to use in their future environment - if necessary by using the services of a professional.


Prices and conditions    top
The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.

Shipment and Payment links gives you access to an extended description of our rating :
 Start price 527 GBP
 Converted price (1) 527 GBP
 Shipment International or local shipment to pay
 Packing costs n/a
 Payment Full pre payment needed
 Auction bid step 20 GBP
 Auction highest bid 547 GBP
 Converted highest bid 547 GBP
 Leader or winner amoeba321
 (1) Currency conversion Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 5th October 2022 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.

For technical reasons, we are unable to update the conversion from GBP to Euro during the auction, although it has changed by well over 10%. If you are in the euro zone please check the current rate at

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