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This page displays the information available for the Digisound-Mod 80 (Sphere item # 13136).
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 Make Digisound
 Model Mod 80
 Description DIGISOUND MODEL 80 MODULAR SYNTHESIZER MODULES, CABINET & POWER SUPPLY A Digisound Model 80 cabinet with power supply (ies), and 6 Digisound modules. The following modules are included, with condition: * 80-4 VC Mixer Module - Fully functional * 80-8 Dual EG Module - Fully functional. The envelopes have a useful Manual trigger switch so you can start them without need of a keyboard. The envelopes have seperate gate and trigger inputs, so applying an external trigger while the gate signal is still present will restart the attack cycle and thus create multi-peak contours. The Automatic mode is useful if you wish to trigger envelopes from non-keyboard events such as LFO blips or the short pulses of a clock signal. It allows the envelope to generate a complete ADR cycle, something not normally possible because envelopes enter the release stage as soon as the gate signal ends (key off). Times quoted are in the range of 2 milliseconds to 10 seconds. * 80-16 Dual Resonant Filter Module - Fully functional * 80-7A State Variable VCF Module - No resonance, (LP2, HP2, LP4): Do not pass signal properly. The 80-7A State-Variable Filter module featured optional 12 or 24dB operation for low-, high- or band-pass filtering, plus a notch (band-reject) filter. This is a very versatile module. In its low-pass configuration, it has a warmth and 'roundedness' considered second only to the classic Moog modular VCFs, and its voltage-controlled resonance input gives it the edge on many of its contemporaries. It has two signal inputs, two control inputs, coarse and fine cutoff pots and a very sweet resonance. * 80-18 Dual ADSR Module - Shorts cab when plugged in. A later model of the 80-8 Dual envelope generator, the 80-18 Multi-function Dual Envelope Generator made several significant advances including an Automatic mode and a Damped mode. This latter may have been developed with the polyphonic ALPHADAC controller in mind. It changes the shape of the envelope into an ADRR - a sharp initial attack, brief decay, a longer decay and then a final short release as the gate off occurs. Releasing the note thus has the same action as applying a damper pedal on a piano. * 80-5 Voltage Processor Module - The Processor is an important module with several functions. Firstly it contains a 'lag processor'. If you pass an oscillator's pitch-control voltage through that, you can achieve the classic portamento effect as the incoming steps are 'smoothed'. You can pass audio signals through it too, achieving an effect similar to a simple low-pass filter (which is exactly what the lag processor is). Four attentuators are provided, which serve as signal distributors or simple mixers for inputs which lack them. Two of these are configured as Subtractor/Inverters. An inverter reverses the polarity of incoming signals, so a +5V signal is transformed to -5V. This has all kinds of applications, such as producing negative envelope curves or, in conjunction with an LFO and the dual VCA module, stereo tremolo. Finally, the subtractor subtracts up to 10V from the input voltage and also inverts the signal in phase. Plus the Digisound 2x8-module Wood Cabinet, with 80-1 Power Supplies. These modules have just been checked out by Switched On Austin, and are sold as is per the descriptions above. Includes copy of all the Digisound literature I have, including catalog, price list, module by module assembly & technical information, etc. Pictures of the modules and cabinet are here: The Digisound 80 Modular Synthesizer was a (largely) kit-built synthesizer designed, primarily, by Charles Blakey who ran a small family-owned company called Digisound Ltd near Blackpool in northern England. Many of the early modules appeared as construction articles in two British electronics magazines - Electronics Today International (ETI) and Electronics & Music Maker (E&MM) in the early to mid 1980s. The Project 80 series - a number of whose modules were based on the CEM (Curtis Electro Music Specialities) range of ICs - was not, however, his first collection of synthesizer modules. He had, previously, produced an early series (the Digisound 20000 series) based around the SSM (Solid State Microtechnology) range of ICs. Here's a recent article from January 2000 about the Digisound modular written by Paul Nagle (a British composer of synth music and user of the Digisound synth) available in the internet archives of Sound-on-Sound magazine. To quote from Paul’s own web site “Great, smashing, super - this is an amazingly versatile, superb-sounding modular - full of character” - ‘nuff said! All Digisound Synthesizer modules had a common package design, with modules interchangeable within the cabinet, common voltages, Input / Output impedances, etc. This made it quite simple to design a system, or change that system around if you desired a different configuration. The modules are compatible with the majority of the modular and performance synthesizers of the time, i.e. 1V/Octave exponential control voltage scaling, 0-10 Volt peak-to-peak control voltage ranges, and a regular gate trigger system. They are very similar to the US-made Aries synthesizer modules, and indeed in the last VEMIA auction I sold a combined system of 10 Aries and 10 Digisound modules that had much interest. These are the remaining 6 Digisound modules from the last 16-module cabinet I had, plus the cabinet and internal power supplies.
 Age 30 year
 Weight 15 kg
 Condition Average
 Location Usa 
 Vat Not from a VAT-registered business. But VAT / duty may be due if importing from outside your trade bloc.
 Quantity 1 item is available from the owner
 Options User manual : No
  Service manual : Yes
  First owner : No
  Original boxes : No
 Plug type Usa standard plug
 Voltage type Internal 110 to 220-240V switchable
 Status Item has been sold or not sold in a previous auction
 Sale type The item is on the auction rooms
 Ending on 08/11/2014
 Serial number N/A
 Sphere reference # 13136
 Statistics Created on : 04/11/2014 
Changed on : 04/11/2014 
  Published on : 04/11/2014
  Displayed : 2477 time(s) by members and guests  
Safety All electrical items sold in VEMIA are deemed to be trade sales. No warranty of electrical safety is given or implied. Many items are vintage and would not pass current electrical safety standards. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that items are safe to use in their future environment - if necessary by using the services of a professional.


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The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.

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 Start price 750 USD
 Converted price (1) 649.33 GBP
 Shipment International or local shipment to pay
 Packing costs 0 GBP
 Payment Full pre payment needed
 Auction bid step 20 GBP
 Auction highest bid 486.66 GBP
 Converted highest bid 486.66 GBP
 Leader or winner winther
 (1) Currency conversion Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 5th October 2022 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.

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