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This page displays the information available for the Evans-VE 80 Vocal Echo (Sphere item # 12789).
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 Make Evans
 Model VE 80 Vocal Echo
 Description The echo is in nice shape cosmetically but needs a little bit of TLC to bring it back to full glory. The good thing is that the tolex is generally in nice shape with no major tears and scuffs. The frontpanel is also in nice shape with just minuscule hairline scratches. Sadly, one of the original pot caps has gone walkabout. The echo has probably the loudest output I have ever heard from a tape delay which I guess is due to the VE-80 being part of a PA system (speakers not included) and functions as a compact four-input mixer as well. The chunky Sanken power amp module and the massive transformer behind the left section of the frontpanel are quite impressive to look at and add greatly to the unit's relatively high weight. The glass lid (!!!) of the tape compartment is cracked and has been mended with adhesive tape many moons ago -- it works but it doesn't exactly look nice (not to mention the sharp edges). I tried to have a replacement made but I was told it would be 'too much hassle' and 'too expensive' and hence 'not worth the effort' etc. Electronically, the tape guides and heads have been cleaned and demagnetised and the pots and jacks were cleaned as well. The tape loop was also replaced by a new one as the old one tended to either slip or get stuck every now and then -- this has vastly improved since the new tape loop was installed but tape transport still isn't 100% -- there is some odd-looking piece of plastic tubing on the capstan which I'm not sure is original (or not). I decided to leave it in place even though its top-end is a bit eccentric in a Dr. Seuss kind of way. I have no clue how to adjust the pinch-roller tension to ensure proper tape transport. The pinch-roller itself looks good, no deformation -- the axis was re-lubed but I think it should be replaced sometime in the future as the clear rubber type seems to be a bit too stiff to last. One thing that might also benefit from a replacement would be the felt washer which helps to keep the tension of the tape steady -- I used a toothbrush to roughen its surface a bit but I think it should as well be replaced sometime in the future. All these little bits are a bit beyond my skill, time, and patience, and since the tape speed of the VE 80 is fixed and the delay time can only be adjusted by a slide-mechanism à la Echoplex or Echocord (and is thus a bit limited), I decided to let go of it. It's great for rockabilly-type slapback delays or short delays on vocals but I am more after dense reverb and delay clusters. Oh, it has had its last service in March 1976, telling from a sticker attached to the lid...
 Age 40 year
 Weight 15 kg
 Condition Good
 Location Germany 
 Vat Not from a VAT-registered business. But VAT / duty may be due if importing from outside your trade bloc.
 Quantity 1 item is available from the owner
 Options User manual : No
  Service manual : No
  First owner : No
  Original boxes : No
 Plug type Europe standard plug
 Voltage type Internal 110 to 220-240V switchable
 Status Item has been sold or not sold in a previous auction
 Sale type The item is on the auction rooms
 Ending on 08/11/2014
 Category Effects 
 Serial number 83-0157
 Sphere reference # 12789
 Statistics Created on : 20/10/2014 
Changed on : 20/10/2014 
  Published on : 20/10/2014
  Displayed : 1443 time(s) by members and guests  
Safety All electrical items sold in VEMIA are deemed to be trade sales. No warranty of electrical safety is given or implied. Many items are vintage and would not pass current electrical safety standards. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that items are safe to use in their future environment - if necessary by using the services of a professional.


Prices and conditions    top
The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.

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 Start price 111 EUR
 Converted price (1) 96.65 GBP
 Shipment International or local shipment to pay
 Packing costs 0 GBP
 Payment Full pre payment needed
 Auction bid step 5 GBP
 Auction highest bid 92.22 GBP
 Converted highest bid 92.22 GBP
 Leader or winner 2manysynth
 (1) Currency conversion Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 5th October 2022 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.

For technical reasons, we are unable to update the conversion from GBP to Euro during the auction, although it has changed by well over 10%. If you are in the euro zone please check the current rate at

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