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This page displays the information available for the Siemens-WSW / Siemens Austria Germanium EQ (Sphere item # 11589).
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 Make Siemens
 Model WSW / Siemens Austria Germanium EQ
 Description Here's a rare opportunity for the filter & EQ lusting ones: one beautiful sounding and looking WSW / Siemens Austria Germanium EQ, model '436 511 / Oe Ela Fi 2a' . Made in the early to mid 60's - it's a classic, sought-after vintage EQ and was exclusively hand-built in small numbers for the Austrian broadcast by WSW which later became the austrian department of Siemens (known for example for the W295 EQs, V276 preamps and U273 compressor/limiters). Components of the highest quality available at the time along as much iron, transformers & inductors as you can dream of - and still fitted with germanium transistors! This type of EQ has a sound character with addictive qualities, think of Chandler or the old EMI/TG stuff for example or of other famous vintage EQ such as the Neumann 'PEV' or TAB 'W95c', both being close relatives. It adds a lovely richness and contour/body to anything you put through with a sweet, 'airy' top end and powerful, huge low end (definitely nothing for the sub-bass shy). The mid frequency band does little wonders, especially to lead vocals or instruments. Additionally, there's a passive (LCR) low-cut filter included to clear out the mud whenever there is going on just too much below 60 or 120 Hz. CONDITION: the EQ is in original condition, tested and working fine! The cosmetic condition is - at least on the front and inside the unit - about 8-8.5/10 and showing only lighter signs of use - taking into account that the EQs is well around *45* years old. However, the outer case is showing some signs of rust, but only on the side panels - not inside the case. Please take a close look at all pictures to get an idea of the EQ's overall condition. PLEASE NOTE: The mating connector is NOT included in the auction. Since these are an absolute pain to find, I offer the Tuchel 13-pin connector upon request after the auction and for a fixed price of 20 UKP additionally to the auction result. So it's your choice whether you simply connect the EQs hard-wired to the back or, if you like to get a connector and don't mind the extra costs. ALSO IMPORTANT: these EQs need an external power supply with 24 Volt DC which is readily available in various forms from most electronic part suppliers I can help here, if in doubt. Upon request, I can also help you with plug & play ready, preconfigured XLRs leads (at additional cost). If you're unfamiliar with this EQ model or WSW equipment in general, you can find loads of helpful advice and information in the internet - check out for example or any other message board dealing with similar topics.
 Age 45 year
 Weight n/a
 Condition Very good
 Location Germany 
 Vat Not from a VAT-registered business. But VAT / duty may be due if importing from outside your trade bloc.
 Quantity 1 item is available from the owner
 Options User manual : No
  Service manual : No
  First owner : No
  Original boxes : No
 Plug type No plug fitted to lead
 Voltage type no power supply included
 Status Item has been sold or not sold in a previous auction
 Sale type The item is on the auction rooms
 Ending on 09/11/2013
 Category Processor 
 Serial number 15 / 919 247
 Sphere reference # 11589
 Statistics Created on : 03/11/2013 
Changed on : 03/11/2013 
  Published on : 03/11/2013
  Displayed : 3257 time(s) by members and guests  
Safety All electrical items sold in VEMIA are deemed to be trade sales. No warranty of electrical safety is given or implied. Many items are vintage and would not pass current electrical safety standards. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that items are safe to use in their future environment - if necessary by using the services of a professional.


Prices and conditions    top
The following section gives you the prices as well as shipment and payment conditions associated with the item. Payment is always requested in GBP. Converted price is shown for information and converted with Sphere standard currency rate.

Shipment and Payment links gives you access to an extended description of our rating :
 Start price 280 GBP
 Converted price (1) 280 GBP
 Shipment International or local shipment to pay
 Packing costs 0 GBP
 Payment Full pre payment needed
 Auction bid step 20 GBP
 Auction highest bid 300 GBP
 Converted highest bid 300 GBP
 Leader or winner shadazz
 (1) Currency conversion Note that conversion rates were last adjusted on 5th October 2022 at 10:56 CET. They are there to give you a rough guide to the bid price in your currency. Please check for a more up-to-date conversion at The bid price will be the actual price in pounds (GBP) at the moment the auction closes. This will be roughly converted to your currency for your information.

For technical reasons, we are unable to update the conversion from GBP to Euro during the auction, although it has changed by well over 10%. If you are in the euro zone please check the current rate at

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